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Thread: Micro-gardens and Rock-Gardens

  1. #1

    Default Micro-gardens and Rock-Gardens

    Hi Guys,

    I just came across the phenomenon of Micro-gardens and Rock-Gardens? I think it's a good idea to decorate, isn't it?
    A Headstand Ear Gardens Green Quartz Rock Micro Garden.jpg
    A Golfer At Play Ear Gardens Handmade Micro Garden.jpg
    Thanks for your opinion

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by catarina90 View Post
    Hi Guys,

    I just came across the phenomenon of Micro-gardens and Rock-Gardens? I think it's a good idea to decorate, isn't it?
    A Headstand Ear Gardens Green Quartz Rock Micro Garden.jpg
    A Golfer At Play Ear Gardens Handmade Micro Garden.jpg
    Thanks for your opinion
    Any Opinion?

  3. #3


    That is amazing, how did you do that?, I W O O T.. Can you give instructions? How big should the jar be ....Beth

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Beth View Post
    That is amazing, how did you do that?, I W O O T.. Can you give instructions? How big should the jar be ....Beth
    It's not me actually, I found the pictures on this market website So I just want some advice about it

  5. #5
    New Users
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    It looks like fun. I like the miniature golfer garden.

  6. #6


    It looks nice, I have no idea how it's done though.

  7. #7


    Very Cool. Indoor gardening is becoming more popular and innovative. Vertical garden walls are another cool trend going around right now: search: vertical indoor garden

  8. #8


    We used to have several micro gardens indoors especially during extremely cold weathers, helps lighten the bleak mood lol. Now that the weather is moderate we’re planning make a bigger one outside but we might have to removeone of the trees to make way for a rock garden.Or we could just have it replanted in further down. We’re not really sure as of yet, we got a quote from about replanting it. I know it sounds impractical, but we have long been planning to expand our immediate backyard too to make way for other projects and a rock garden just gives us another reason to do so. I hope we make the right decision, would be a shame if the tree dies if we decide to replant it.

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