Do any of you put out feeders to attract hummingbirds? We have several and it's amazing just how many of those gorgeous little birds have shown up over the years. It makes the whole area feel full of life.
Do any of you put out feeders to attract hummingbirds? We have several and it's amazing just how many of those gorgeous little birds have shown up over the years. It makes the whole area feel full of life.
I have not gotten one yet. This is one of those things that I would like to get but never seem to get around to getting one. I love to watch hummingbirds.
I have b put feeders out for the humming birds. But I never seem to get any. I can't figure out why.
Unfortunately we don't get them here they must be lovely to look at. If we could get hummingbirds then yes surely I would put some food out for them to attract them to my garden because I think they are beautiful birds.
They are so much fun to watch. I have a list of tips on my website on how to attract them as well as butterflies and other beautiful song birds. Hope you visit!
Thank you I will check the site out. I need all the help I can get. Because so far I have had no luck.
I have a feeder, but it has remained empty for many years. It was a gift. What do you put in the feeder?
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You can buy mix for hummingbird food at just about any store, or just mix up some sugar water and put it in your feeder. I think the mix is basically sugar with red food coloring, anyway. They just want something sweet.
Just make it yourself! It doesn't even need to be red....they'll be attracted anyway, so no worries about that. Look up a recipe for the exact proportions of sugar and water.
I will check around for a recipe. Maybe that will help attract them. I have not had much luck attracting them.